DivX Pro v6.7.0.28
Nov 5, 2007

To DivX Codec περνάει στο επόμενο επίπεδο της ψηφιακής του ζωής και μας παραθέτει advanced digital video compression σε resolutions για high-definition 1920 x 1080 !! Διαβάστε κάποια από τα νέα χαρακτηριστικά που αντιγράφω από το site του ολόφρεσκου DivX Pro v6.7.0.28...
* Compress digital video 5 to 10 times more than MPEG-2/DVD format and hundreds of times over raw digital video
* Encode high-definition (HD) video at resolutions up to 1080p
* Maximized performance for all HyperThreaded, dual core and dual CPU (SMP) systems
* Improved support for interlaced video
* Six carefully optimized encoding modes for balancing visual quality and performance
* Automated noise reduction reduces grain and low-light noise (common with DV cameras) without significantly degrading the video
DivX Pro includes:
DivX Player 6.6
DivX Community Codec 6.7
DivX Web Player 1.3.1
DivX Converter 6.5
DivX Pro Codec 6.7
* Compress 2 to 4 times less than MPEG-4/AVC format with quality 2 to 3 times worse.
* Crash Vista often
Download : DivX Pro v6.7.0.28
Labels: Divx, Download, MinOtavrS blog, Software
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