Linus Torvalds: Το Linux δεν κινδυνεύει να περάσει στον έλεγχο της Microsoft
Oct 8, 2019
Ο Linus Torvalds και άλλοι κορυφαίοι προγραμματιστές του Linux kernel, δεν θεωρούν πως αυτό κινδυνεύει να περάσει στον έλεγχο της Microsoft, όσο και αν αυτή ίσως το επιθυμεί διακαώς.
Αυτό κατά τα λεγόμενα τους οφείλεται στην ανοικτή αρχιτεκτονική του και στην GPL2 open-source άδεια που το συνοδεύει, κάνοντας αδύνατο τον έλεγχο του από οποιονδήποτε.
Torvalds said:
"The whole anti-Microsoft thing was sometimes funny as a joke, but not really. Today, they're actually much friendlier. I talk to Microsoft engineers at various conferences, and I feel like, yes, they have changed, and the engineers are happy. And they're like really happy working on Linux. So I completely dismissed all the anti-Microsoft stuff."Besides the proof of Microsoft working on the code, Torvald thinks it's interesting "how Microsoft went from basically extorting licensing for FAT (patents) from Android vendors to now making all the patents available. It really isn't just nice. It's real action. I'm pretty happy.
ames Bottomley, an IBM Research Distinguished Engineer and top Linux kernel developer, sees Microsoft as going through the same process as all other corporate Linux supporters:
"This is a thread that runs through Linux. You can't work on the kernel to your own proprietary advantage. A lot of companies, as they came in with the proprietary business mode,l assumed they could. They have to be persuaded that, if you want something in Linux, that will assist your business -- absolutely fine. But it has to go through an open development process. And if someone else finds it useful, you end up cooperating or collaborating with them to produce this feature."
That means, to get things done, even Microsoft is "eventually forced to collaborate with others.".
Labels: LinUx, Microsoft, News, Open Source, OS
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